Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #60 Platinum Blonde 20"
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-20H60
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #22 Sandy Blonde 20"
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-20H22
Extend-It Ombre Clip-In #1C/18 Espresso-Caramel 20"
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Clip-In Hair Extensions. The ..
Item # SMA-EXT-20HO1C18
Extend-It Ombre Clip-In #8/60 Honey-Blonde 20"
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Clip-In Hair Extensions. The ..
Item # SMA-EXT-20HO860
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #60 Patsy 16"
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-1660
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #30/33 Ruby 16"
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-163033
Extend-It Clip-In Highlight 18”
Extend-it Clip on highlights are the perfect solution if you want to add a little flare without havi..
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #8/16 Honey-Ash
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H816
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #8 Honey
Made with 100% Premium Quality Remy-Cuticle Human Hair, Extend-It extensions are the elite in clip o..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H8
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #613 Bleach Blonde
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H613
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #60/18 Caramel Blonde
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H6018
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #4 Medium Brown
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H4
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #2/27 Brown-Golden
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H227
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #2 Dark Brown
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H2
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #1B Natural Black
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H1B
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #16/613 Ash-Bleach
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H16613
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #16/27 Ash-Golden
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H1627
Extend-It Clip-In Hair Extensions #1 Black
Feel the difference with our 100% Premium Remy-Cuticle Human Hair. The best hair on the ma..
Item # SMA-EXT-16H1
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #8 Lucy
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-168
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #613 Marilyn
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-16613
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #600 Dixie
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-16600
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #6/10 Eva
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-16610
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #6 Daisy
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-166
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #4 Maryann
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-164
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #3R Betsy
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-163R
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #27/613 Bridget
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-1627613
Babe Clip-In Hair Extensions #24 Cindy
Create length and volume in minutes with Babe Hair Clip-In Extensions! Designed for occasional use a..
Item # RBA-BCI-1624