Semi & Demi Colour

  • Pravana ChromaSilk Vivids Crystals Aquamarine 3oz

Pravana ChromaSilk Vivids Crystals Aquamarine 3oz

Inspired by healing crystals, the six shades in VIVIDS CRYSTALS (pictured) are uniquely pigmented to reflect consistent, saturated tonal value. The super cool part? You do NOT need to lift to a pure Level 10 to use these CRYSTALS shades! The new formula allows you to achieve a prismatic, multi-tonal look on hair as dark as a Level 7!


  • The industry’s largest semi-permanent creative color collection.
  • Intermixable with any VIVIDS shade for an array of color creations.

How To Use:

  • Wear suitable gloves to prevent staining.Do not mix with developer.
  • For best results of VIVIDS color, pre-lighten hair to the indicated lifting level using PRAVANA PURE LIGHT series.
  • Process 20-30 min at room temperature.
  • Rinse with cool water until water runs clear and condition with care regimen.


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